Public Works

Cirino Provides Resources for Storm Recovery:

COLUMBUS-State Senator Jerry Cirino (R-Kirtland) is sharing the following resources for storm recovery to his constituents: As our communities continue to recover from the devastating storms that hit Northeast Ohio on Tuesday, I want to make sure all available resources are easily accessible.
For information related to power outages, First Energy has a continuously updated outage map easily available online: FirstEnergy Storm Center OH (
If you have specific questions related to power, please call the Public Utility Commission of Ohio at 800-686-7826, which has a team ready to help answer any questions and provide guidance.
If you are a recipient of SNAP Benefits, you might be eligible for replacement benefits due to destroyed food. The form is linked here and must be submitted to your County Department of Jobs and Family Services within 10 days of the loss:
Please call my office at 614-644-7718 for any assistance you need and for more updates.

Public Works Road Department

Contact: Steve Williams
Office:  (440)259-5004
Email: or use online form


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Service Request Form

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Right of way construction permit

Monthly Public Works Reports


Snow Parking Ban
A snow parking ban is in effect on all Perry Village roadways when snowfall equals 2 or more inches. This will allow for maintaining and clearing of all roadway surfaces. Any vehicles parking on public roadways during snow emergencies could be removed at the owners’ expense. 


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